Review Article
Zara Ersozlu
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 16, Issue 3, Article No: ep517
Mathematics anxiety is a significant problem in education that affects students’ learning outcomes, academic success, and well-being. This systematic literature review aimed to explore the role of technological interventions in reducing mathematics anxiety and promoting positive learning experiences in mathematics learning. Our findings revealed a mixed picture, where learning mathematics through online distance education increases mathematics anxiety, especially among primary school students, while interventions such as game-based learning and digital tools show positive results in reducing students’ mathematics anxiety levels. Additionally, the results of this study contribute to ongoing discussions on effective strategies to reduce mathematics anxiety and improve mathematics education through the integration of technology, providing new understanding among educators, parents, researchers, and policymakers in creating inclusive and effective learning environments. Using technology to reduce mathematics anxiety and increase student achievement emphasizes the importance of collaborative efforts.
Keywords: mathematics anxiety, technology, digital tools, primary school students, positive attitudes towards mathematics